Timing and Quantity Particle Effects (Urdu-Hindi)

This tutorial we shall know about timing and quantity of particle effects. We start our tutorial without wasting our time and first of all remove the grid from workspace. Press G to remove grid from screen in all viewports. Next we go to create panel option geometry particle system. Choose super spray from there for creating particle effects. To activate the prospective view in the scene, press Alt+W and prospective view will be maximized. We can rotate the particle effect by press E from keyboard. Similarly use W as shortcut for move tool.

Place the affect in the right corner and using timeline play the animation and you can see the effects flowing in particle shape. We can change the shape and quantity of particle affects by modifying its parameters. When we increase quantity of these particles, they appear in darken shape. Scroll down the bar and you see there particles generation option there. Here you can adjust timing for the flowing of particle effects.

particle system

Place values for start time and ending time and play the animation for testing. You see that particle flowing effects are increasing tremendously after assigning time for them. We can spread these effects also by choosing value for its extension because in initial stage, the particle effects were moving in linear way. We can create and adjust timing and quantity for particles. For more detail, watch video for more detail.