Modernism and Religion

Modernism and Religion

A brief comparison between Modernism and religion




Modernism was a general movement in religion (especially in literature) during the late 19th and 20th century that tried reuniting the ancient Christianity with modern discoveries of science and philosophy. It was a global movement in the traditions and cultures of society that tried to seek alignment with the practices and values of the newly industrializing world. Keeping up with the new idea of modernity, artists around the globe focused on portraying the real view of society rather than fantasy and imagination.

Moreover, Modernists belonging to 18th-century enlightenment when rationalism and scientific observations were at a peak. It deviated them from belief in spirits, ghosts, divinity, and all supernatural beings presented by religion. This movement favoured explanation and evidence more than belief and faith, which are the basic elements of any religion. Modernism arose from the critical study of the bible and historical convictions which resulted in less focus on divinity and spirits and more attention towards the humanitarian aspects of religion. Many people associated modernity on society with a metanarrative (Grand explanation) and many critics accused them like Giddens of being too deterministic. For example, by accepting the history of evolution they are ignoring their proper religious faiths. Auguste Comte sought knowledge in the evolutionary process. scholars have criticized the Marxist concept of capitalism. the Metanarrative applies for religion and culture as well for they have determined explanations.

Difference between Modernity and Modernist.

Some sociologists mention modernity to explain the past while others attempt to use it for our current technological advancement. The term Modernity and Modernist are a bit different from each other. Modernity is the deterministic view presented by Giddens, while modernist is familiar to as the advancement of society in the West. Despite all, modernity can still be used by sociologist to study the society and religion of now and then. So if one keeps up with modernity and its possible inconsistency they can still get knowledge without being opinionated by personal use of the term. Noting Anthony Giddens’ view on modernity might show it as a place and time.

Comparison and contrast between modernism and other movements.

Finally, humankind can understand nature in a more rational way. Only that can help them become flourished through scientific improvement. Foucault termed this system of belief as ‘truth regime’; which states that power is provided in the form of knowledge, science and truth. During Modernity, there developed a clear belief that truth existed, man is influenced by structures, no one can stop advancement; it is inevitable and science was the only remedy of all social and economic conflicts. During this time social classes were strong with a similar aspect and it was obvious to all, that what was expected of them and their role in society.

Despite constant industrial changes, they were more respectful to each other than now and followed authorities. In short, they were aware of their place in the great scheme. For instance, Durkheim states that it was the time of values and norms, though there was a lack of individuality, it was a time of great values. However, totalitarianism, colonization, expansionists and unqualified exploitation of the environment were also part of this modern age. Grand explanations or Metanarration of each of the groups of the era believed in their explanation and had confidence that theirs was correct and undeniable. Modernity can be characterized as utilitarian because of its enduring features which can help make sense of past. Though, critics like Giddens show uncertainty about the evolutionary model and point out the disturbances of the era that were also existent.

What is Religion?

Moreover, Religion depends on the belief of God, who is the most powerful and creator of all creations. For whom people perform different rituals and practices so they please him by their worships. It seemed like the most significant effect on religion by modernism was of secularism. Bryan Wilson explains it as a process when religious institutions, activities and consciousness lose their social importance. As science and logical ideas, faced superiority religion started to face decline. If one took the argument presented by Rudolph Bultmann than, they might realize that it is nearly impossible to believe in the world of spirits and miracles when one had electric devices and advantages of the modern medical world.

Most certainly the significant challenge provided to religion from science was Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species (1859). Darwin offered the idea that every life form on earth evolved through time by the process called natural selection. This neglects the religious idea of an intelligent design created by God. As people started to get influenced by Modernity the founders of sociology started to believe that religion was just an illusion and so they started to investigate the effects of religion on society and not the theological aspects of religious doctrine. Comte presented three stages of a society’s developmental stage of knowledge. He classified these stages as, first, when they believe in God and spirits. The second; as the metaphysical stage when a man uses philosophy. The third and final stage was the knowledge of science and positivity. The classification seems to be quite precise and accurate.

Evolutionary theory; A step towards Modernism

Due to the theory of Charles Darwin the Origin of Species, the religious world was shaken by the opposite views and number of oppositions. It is not fair to presume that Darwin just presented a theory out of nowhere and it ignited an argument that continues even until now. His theory was based on his observation, experiment, and proper analysis. After many trial and errors, he finally presented a strong argument. This step of science distressed many of the religions of the world like Christianity, Islam, and Judaism and so on. Religions presented the idea of ‘first human’ as a new creation of God sent down on earth.

Unlike religion, Darwin predicts that the first human was an evolved form of one of the monkey species that grew in number. Even before Darwin, many writers were writing on the process of creation; that had already shocked the Victorian society of the time to a greater extent. Also, Darwin started his idea from how animals and plants tend to shift and change; which helped him present his argument strongly. Even all the other aspects combined, Darwin’s book was only read by qualified scholars and some religious figures- probably to find points for criticism and to defend their religion. Now that it was clear that science and religion are incompatible, some started the argument that even science is the creation of God thus faith and empiricism could be restored.

The contrast between Religion and Modernism

Furthermore, a psychologist of the 20th century named James H. Leuba claimed that he could narrate religion in 48 different definitions. Since then it had not become any easier to process a clear and precise definition of religion. There had been constant works on religion and secularism. Especially recent works on the topic by Charles Taylor, Michael Warner, Talal Asad and many more. Their works show the story of religion- how it continued existing and its multiple natures- is undoubtedly a long and complex one with a shifting nature.

However, Taylor points out that religion is understandable as the first experience.  As the psychological and doctrinal-the ways through which people define, justify and given the logical reasoning to their feelings- as irresistibly social. Given the slippery nature of religion and modernism, it appears almost impossible to generalize the idea of both. Sometimes the relationship of religion with modernism is overlapping. Many modernists find a close even casual connection between the death of God and the start of the new existence of literature. This literary kind, modernism, was the type of literature that had to be written in a world where God did not exist. From this point, modernism and religion were clear rivals.

Modernism as a literary movement

The modernism was famous for its artists especially writers, novelist, short story writers, lyricist, dramatists and poets. Three of the greatest poets of the late modernist age were; Eliot’s Four Quartets (1941), Auden’s For the Time Being (1944) and Jones’s The Anathemata (1952). They all take theological concepts such as the incarnation and sacramental effectiveness. For Eliot, Jones and Auden’s religion appeared as if more than just emotional connection and traditional beauty but as it was about approving an understanding and religious investigation. These works seem small and nearly insignificant but the mere influence of modernism “theological modernism” can explain more than one may expect.

Theological modernism can be termed as a literary body using modernist structure to examine the questions related to theology more carefully; such as the concept of soul or idea of death.  T. S. Eliot’s Ash Wednesday and Four Quartets took the ideas from St. Augustine and Karl Barth best explained the depths of religious concepts using this form of modernism. These poems are difficult and to critically understand them one needs to grab not just an idea about religion but an idea of specified and religious issues, for instance, the idea of grace and conversation and their relationship and Christ’s incarnation. It is worth noting that Eliot’s first association of modernism was not through art but theology.


As modernism was seen as a structural improvement, religion had monotheistic and possessive characteristics. Religion believes in one God and Church takes possession over the religious knowledge, which gave not much of a choice to the normal civilians in spiritual matters. These reasons caused believers to deferent religious authorities and fol

low them. Self-determination and organizations were limited which gave a great deal of authority to religious organizations. Famous religious structures like the Catholic Church and the Church of England got power. Moreover, the main idea or purpose of all religious practices and rituals was to be rewarded a place in heaven. So one may conclude, religion is about a faith that had an external nature and not connected with spiritual or mystical journey.


Modernity considers man as a submissive being; while society and organizations as the dominant one. Religion was an umbrella term for all the religions present at the time and even now. Religious hypocrites did not bear the minority with different religions. State persecuted such groups. The religious diversity was much lesser than now and they fit the common characteristics of Modernity. Like the idea of absolute truth, mass production and of all the other characteristics of modernity; they all tried to represent the limitation religious pluralism provided and the importance of one’s personal choices.

Furthermore, the idea of ‘white man’s burden’ for ruling the inferior race like Africa, India and all other empires which England had colonized; the Anglican church was supporting them. It changed or replaced the basic idea of religion. Again religion fits in the historical idea presented by Modernism about Metanarrative. The Church of England remained in power because of its connection with the state. Though it remained in power and its membership increased in the late 19th century the nature of religious ideas changed. The idea of hell had considered as a metaphor than a real place. Thus religion became more philosophical than literal.


In conclusion, it is apparent that religion, even today,  considered as the most relevant piece of ideas. That is the basic reason why disciples like science try to criticize it so much and find proof of its authenticity. Regardless, religion had stood against all the tests of time and the same might keep happening; for religion provides a human with hope. People dare to adhere to their faiths even after strong criticism on them. The basic reason is the need for humans to not lose their hopes for living a life; for religion provides a connection between people; that decreases the mental state of loneliness.

Modernity stresses on the individual choices of people and the possibility of better or even multiple interpretations of one thing. It is fact, anyone’s religious knowledge or attachment comes from their socialization. A human is born in a society with a particular faith. He starts to absorb it and accept it without any question. Modernists insisted people on raising that ‘question’.

Mahik Nazeer, Bachelors in English Literature. National University of Modern Languages Islamabad. 25 June 2020.