Principles of Animation in Max – part 7

This Tutorial is Also About Pose Animation

When the character is going to jump, it keeps itself straight ahead. So this is very important subject of pose animation.

Otherwise the character may fall down or go anywhere else. The eye control system helps the character very much to go ahead instead of falling down. With eye control command, the character can judge the position and takes step along with the situation.

principles_of_animation_07You have to great care of your character at this stage because with just little mistake, your character may unbalanced and also spoil the scene geometry. When the character bows down, the connection between both legs show you how the character will push up at leaving time. In short, whole body parts requires changing to maintain you scene setting realistic.

At every stage in scene setting, the character will change its body language. One should be patient while performing this pose animation. You will understand the concept when you perform this pose animation at home.

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