Principles of Animation in Max – Part 15

Rotational Movement of the Object

Principles of Animation – In this tutorial we shall show you about principle of animation for ease in and ease out to make your scene realistic and natural.

In this part you will learn about rotational movement of the object, say tire or others. When the wheel rotates, there are two types of forces acting upon this movement.

The primary force is the tire’s force itself and secondary the path or track that is helping out the tire in its movement. The object in this case starts moving in slow pace but after this it become faster than before and stops after covering specific distance.

When it comes to its final stage, it starts to slow down and hence stops. There is no exterior force applying on this object to stop the object. Mark the object at specific area to demonstrate ease in and ease out concept.

When you play the animation it moves more realistic and natural and there is no doubt of any missing steps. If you see any mistake in the moving you can control this feature by using curve editor by managing the curve setting.

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