Omni Light is Applied in the Way of Light

When you are going to model any thing,

Omni Light Applied in the Way of Light – The shining and reflection is necessary element at rendering time. Sometime you are given the scene with low resolution of light that shows very poor result at rendering time.

The Omni light is useful to meet this problem at the rendering process. The Omni light is applied in the way of light and model; in other word you can say that it is the source of light. You can find Omni light from create panel and then after choosing standard light, you see the Omni light in the standard light types. It is sun like shape when it is applied and usually assigns it at the horizontal position. Use top view port to apply Omni light because this port provide your scene much accuracy. You can adjust the position of the Omni light with select and move tool. You can check its position by rendering the scene after every changing. To create the shadow, go to the modifier panel and scroll it down to find the parameter for shadow as ray trace. Take a test render to view the affect of your setting.

In this way you can handle the scene display setting easily. 3Ds lighting effects are very useful for the scene rendering and it enable the dull and dim light scene as lightened and illuminated. In the video the Omni light applying process is shown with quick review, watch it to learn more.