Modify Panel in 3ds Max

We can change the parameter using Modify panel. It is used to modify the parameter. This tool absolutely reshapes the object. Modify panel are of many uses. We can change the parameter of the given object. It is also used for modifying the geometry of the object. Using them we can change, convert and delete the parameter and also edit the object.

Modifier panel’s properties

This tutorial offers us to know the modifier panel’s properties, To know how modifier works, we have to place an object on the screen that shows the changing after modification. Every object possesses its own parameter that leads us to changes in all the dimensional.

If once the Modify panel opens, it remains on the screen till we can not open another tools. Different object has different way to modifying, for instance you have box then you will modify them according to its shape. In other words, it all depends on the object you are working. Modify-Panel has different categories for different objects. When we adjust the parameter just a little bit, we see the difference almost immediately. A little bit change in modify panel, create much difference in the object. So modify panel play a significant role in modeling of some project and it is important too.