Creating Wages Box in 3ds Max

This tutorial is about wages box in 3D Studio MAX. We can get it simply by dragging the simple  3D box in top view. With the help of modifier box we will change its parameter. After this go to prospective view, here changing will be shown easily by us.

Just right click on the image and here our box will be in editable position. Click the plus sign and then click the polygon. Select upper side of the polygon and mini table will appear. Here type the amount of polygon you want to insert and insert it. Select the previous setting and extrude its vertices. There will appear a box named polygon extrude type the negative value for extruding. Here is our simple box ready. We need four other boxes to make our wages box. Similarly create another box and with Shift key press copy that box. Also adjust this box setting. For other two boxes create a copy again with pressing shift key press. These are like a strip on the outsides of our box. Adjust its dimensional as much you need.

Modifier Setting

Now the box is ready though it is without lid. For this purpose we need another box and adjust its modifier setting, and rotate it according to required model. Finally our model will be ready as wages box.