Modeling a Rim In 3ds Max Part 2

This is the next part of rim and tire modeling.The rim was designed in the last part and here we shall go ahead in this project. The tutorial is shown with practical visual effects and showing the direction in caption. So that one can repeat that task by following the direction from caption.

We have designed the rim successfully in last part and we have followed such technique for this purpose. You can also create rim modeling by following the direction. Here we shall also work for rim modeling and caption are telling you about working. If you want to learn it then do practice of that task along with us. Select the polygons inside and outside of rim model as you can see in the video. Attach other part of rim with your model. Then scroll down the bar and bring it into fine look.

Turbo-Smooth Modifier

Go to modifier panel and choose modifier as Turbo-smooth modifier, it will enable the rim model like a realistic and actual rim frame. Go to color chooser and replace default color with selected color. These color application will increase the charm of your rim model. We can twist the rim shape to give it advanced look and here is final result in the following video.