Modeling a Rim In 3ds Max Part 1

This video tutorial is about modeling of rim and tire into easy to learn form. It is advantage of this video tutorial to you that this video is show every task and concept in caption form to make you easy in performing that task of 3ds max at home. First of all take a quick review of reference tire image and then start it. Go to create panel and choose cylinder and adjust its parameters.

Now convert this object into editable poly by right clicking on the object. Select the upper polygon of the object and hit delete, then select the face and insert more polygon to form tire and rim model. The insert option will be opened in front of you in mini box where you can insert values for polygon and its setting.

Extrude Command

Again select the polygon like a real rim model and apply extrude command. Select the rim from center and extrude outside. Insert polygon in the middle of rim model and then extrude it. Select polygon of central part of rim and apply time wrap mode. The rim is nearly ready and it need only few setting that will be done in next part. So stay here and search for next part.