How to Create Bullet Modeling

Here is another tutorial of 3ds max to learn how to create bullet using 3ds max.

You can create every kind of model only because of the basic and standard primitives. As you know mostly it is seen that we need reference model image for all kind of modeling so, here you can also use reference model for bullet.

You can also download it free from web browser. If you have any problem in the bullet modeling you can take help from learning 3ds max tutorials. Some of sites are offering to learn the concept in video tutorials. Go to primitive panel and choose sphere, just right click on that and apply editable poly.

Just grab it to make half of this mesh. Choose the edge tool and loop it, using move tool drag it back to shape the bullet. Select the faces to remove the vertices and give it smooth shape. Change the name of the object as bullet. Choose another sphere and with move tool bring it in uniform position. For animation of the bullet, it needs to use particle system, therefore go to particle view. Join the required particle in series like chain mode. This will show the bullet shooting as you see in the movies. After this, assign material to look realistic. Take a render at this position and you will see fine and smooth result. Through this video you can create the same bullet modeling easily.