Car Modeling in 3Ds Max Part 1

We are going to start here new tutorial series for car modeling in 3ds max.

The modeling requires at first about the reference model image. Here we are using still image for the modeling of car and it is done in adobe photo shop. The expert recommends adobe Photoshop because it is best package for drawing and editing the image.

We take start from adobe photo shop and open the reference image in it. Adjust the default setting according to our car modeling project. As you know we have the image of car in four view, front, back, top and side view. We choose the top with lasso tool, select it and with selection tool copy and paste it on another layer. Similarly select the remaining view of the image one by one in separate layer and save them. Again open all the four layers in adobe photo shop and adjust the opacity level of the images and save them again. The initial setting is done and now go to 3ds max. We take start from front view of car model therefore choose plane from primitives according to the parameter setting of the car front.

Click on the plane for car front model material. Choose the material from material editor and assign it to the plane. Move the plane to 180 degree to view its back side. Repeat the same process to bring the other side model in the scene. It is the end of car modeling part 1 and search more to learn about next tutorial.

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