3ds Max Understanding Interface Elements

When you start 3ds Max, the window that appears is shown in image

The 3ds Max interface can be broadly divided into five main elements: the menus, the main toolbar, the command panel, the lower interface bar and the viewpoints. To one side from these main elements, we shall also be discussing some other valuable elements in the 3ds Max window similar to the home grid and the quad menus.

Menus in 3ds Max

As in other applications, the menu bar is situated directly under the window’s title bar. There are 15 menus in 3ds Max, each having options for a specified purpose. Let us briefly get acknowledged to these the menus in 3ds Max:

. File: The File menu includes options that are second-hand for working with 3ds Max files. With these options you can make new scenes, open existing scenes and save your scenes. The File menu also has options for importing and exporting the objects from other applications.

. Edit: The Edit menu contains options for selecting and editing objects. Also, it contains the common options for undoing or redoing a task.

. Tools: The Tools menu provides options for displaying dialog boxes that help you change or organized objects. The options in the Tools menu are required for selecting, hide/stopping, mirroring, and arranging many other things.

. Group: The Group menu offers you controls for grouping objects and managing the grouped objects.

. View: The Views menu includes options for controlling the viewports. The view menu contains to control grids are cooperative in establishing your in 3d space. Other tools in this menu are Viewport background (with this you can choose a picture as a background at the back a viewport). In case the background picture is changed then you can update the background picture behind the viewport by simply using update background picture selection.

. Create: The Create menu provides options for creating the various types of objects in 3ds Max.

. Modifiers: The Modifier menu provides approach to the modifiers provided in 3ds Max.

. Character: the Character menu provides you options for working with characters in 3ds Max.

. Animation: The Animation menu provides a set of selection related to animation, constraints and controllers, and math kinematics solvers.

. Graph Editor: The Graph Editors menu gives you approach to graphic dialog box for managing a scene and its hierarchies and animated film.

. Rendering: The Rendering tools and options have options for rendering scenes, making up environmental and render changes.

. Customize: This customize menu for controlling and customizing tools and command of Max. The show Ul command in the customize menu shows a submenu having control for show/hide command panels, movable toolbars, main menu, and the track bar.

. MAXScript: This Maxscript options have controls for 3d modeling animation and rendering with scripting in Max built-in language i.e. MAXscript

. Help: The Help menu offers approach to the 3ds Max online help plan.