Extrude Nurbs to Editable Polygons

In this tutorial, we are going to introduce you about the concept of editable polygons.

The editable polygons is basically used in the configuration of any character model or any complex modeling. You can change the object in to editable polygon mode by clicking right mouse button on the object, choose editable polygons there. You can see the editable poly option in your modifier panel.

If you click on that editable polygons option, the drop down list of its containing element will be open. It will inform you about all the vertex, polygon and edges of the object. Vertices are the point that makes the object whereas the edges are the connecting line of vertices. Border is the outline of the object and the vertices are the faces of the object. We can select the vertices and use them for modification of the object. We can select one or many vertices points at the same time with region selection. When we select any faces or vertices, it goes on red because of selection. We can select front, back, left and right side of the vertices also by using dolly option.

Using grow option in vertices, we can select many vertices with just one click. By using extruding option, we can make any shape with these vertices. So this was the shortly introduction of editable poly in free 3d max tutorial. It was the first and initial lesson for the beginner of 3d studio max.