How to Create Custom Post Type in WordPress

Custom post type are the content type that are not by default. We can create them easily in WordPress for our needs. For example, let’s say one of our client needs a portfolio website. So we will need to create a custom post type for portfolio content type in WordPress. We are going to use a very useful plugin for creating Custom post type, because we also want to save sometime RIGHT.

Create Custom Post Type in WordPress

Download and install the Custom Post Type UI plugin on your site.
After plugin is installed. You will see a menu in side navigation called ‘CPT UI’

Click Add/Eidt Post Types and Add your Custom post type Slug (slug will display in url), Post type name in plural and Singular and Hit Add Post Type button.

There are a lot of settings below. You can set as you require here are few you would like to check.

You can set your menu icon for your custom post type. You can select what support you would like to give this post type, like if you want to have a title option or content area editor or if your portfolio will have thumbnail.

Once you add the custom post type it will show in the dashboard navigation as like this. Now you are able to create your portfolio item. I added portfolio custom post type and it displays like this in dashboard.

You can create as many custom post type with this plugin as many you like. This plugin is very much free and can be useful when you are developing a website that is not simply blog. It saves a lot of time and I have been using it for some time now in projects.

You can create custom taxonomies and assign those custom taxonomies to custom post type you created. It will work as categories for you.