Tree Modeling in 3ds Max Part 1

In this tutorial you will learn about the modeling of rock for our scene in 3ds max.

Tree Modeling in 3ds Max Part 1 – We shall create two new objects using primitive and give them a shape according to the needs of our scène. You can create a modeling of rock yourself. Go to create panel and then Geometry.

There will be sphere in the down position of geometry. Choose and drag it on the grid. With pressing shft+MMB, you can maximize the view-port for the ease of better result. With zoom n pan tool bring the scene closer to you. Keep in mind that when you select the object or tool, then it will finish its selection if you click right button anywhere in the scene. So again select the sphere again and drag it in front and little bit on the left side of cannon. You can do further modification in the parameter later, first view the rock in camera view. Bring the view back in to orthographic mode with pressing ALT+W. You can view it through camera by pressing C from keyboard.

Though it is in rigid shape you can modify its parameters in modifier panel. Choose Noise a parameter for rock shape and also modify its parameter. The rock will become actual and realistic. In next part you will learn about how to create a tree for our scene. So stay here and learn more.

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