Motion Tracking in Boujou Part 2

Learn here on this site about 3D motion tracking in boujou with accuracy. Only few concept and topics are different from Maya and 3D s max. The same technique is used for creating motion track in boujou. The motion track is similar like an animation.


The animation is created due to key frames setting whereas the motion tracking is also created on same technique. The 3D characters are used for motion tracking because they create illusion of motion in the scene. We can create movement in these 3D characters at our own desire.

Motion Tracking in Boujou

The boujou has a radio system towards the bottom side where all the process is occurred. You can import the scene in 3d s max by clicking on max script and save the sequence. Moreover this sequence can be played in 3d studio max. You would have seen about the starting of any film or drama, there are created some wonderful visual effects for production and cast name, they are generated with this technique.<

The camera effects tool is known as important tool in motion tracking and it is time consumed for the adjustment of camera in your scene. In this video tutorial we are required to create motion tracking in text, later on the light effects are added to the scene to enable your scene for better rendering. Finally the scene is ready and you can watch it in the following video.