Motion Tracking in Boujou Part 1

This tutorial is being performed under Boujou, the quick professional math mover. It is mostly used in industries and game developing to create visual effects. Boujou is used for post production work and it makes your video and film worthy and valuable.

You can show your abilities and skill through boujou with high speed recovery and visual effects. You have seen about many effects where the man surprise to see wonderful job by heroes and villain. The scene is merged with advanced technology and because of visual effects the film and game become most favorite of the viewers. Because of these characteristics, boujou has become most demanding software application.

Movement of Object

The video tutorial is about movement of object in boujou using camera effects. It is true that it covers and arranges many effects in order at one place but it is also time consumed. If you want to avoid this fatigue you should be familiar to object environment with tracking. These objects are placed in order with consecutive frames setting; sometime you have to face such condition where the object moves faster then the frame setting. Another precaution that is necessary to use is due to changing in the orientation of over time.

To meet this problem, we use motion model which describes the characteristic of targeted object. In this video tutorial motion tracking is created with simple technique like in Maya and 3d studio max.The Boujou also provides same platform for creating motion effects, for more detail search for next part.