Modeling a Soda Can in 3ds Max 2011 Part 2

Step 23: at this time select the outer polygons and click on Extrude button. Change the extrusion type to Local Normal’s plus the quantity to 0.02cm.


Step 24: create a Loop selection of the next edges and Extrude them with a Height of -0.02cm with the Width 0cm.


Step 25: create another edge loop selection and chamfer them with a quantity of 0.1cm.


Step 26: In this 3ds modeling step we will attach the Can a few more, select the top middle polygon and push Grow the selection 3 times. Scale the selected polygons by the Select and Scale tool to 105 in the X and Y axis way.


Step 27: into Vertex selection mode, use the Select and Move tool position the vertices like I’ve did:


Step 28: at this time select the polygon plus move it down using the Select and Move tool, following that delete it.


Step 29: In Edge selection mode choose the edge you see selected below, initial click on Ring to create a ring selection and after that click on attach to connect the edges jointly.


Step 30: via the Select and Move tool travel the vertices until you have amazing like below. Enable Edge in Constraints. With this choice enabled you can simply move the vertices down the edges.


Step 31: modify the Constraints to Novel. Select the next edges and extrude them with a Height of 0.075cm and a breadth of 0.125cm.


Step 32: at this time select these two edges and eliminate them.


Step 33: To end the 3ds modeling of the can starting the Modifier List insert a Turbo smooth modifier and modify the Iteration to 2. Verify the box for Isoclines Display. We are done with the 3ds modeling part of the can. In the then 3ds modeling steps of this text image tutorial we will make the opener.


Step 34: In this part of this 3ds modeling tutorial we will make the can opener. From generate, Geometry create a Plane with the Length of 2.5cm and the Width of 1.5cm. Modify the Length segments to 4 plus the Width segments to 2. With the Select and Move tool position the flat right on top of the canister.


Step 35: change the Plane to Editable Poly, go in Edge selection form and using the Cut tool create the cuts you see below.


Step 36: into Vertex selection travel select the two vertices I’ve selected and Chamfer them with a quantity


Step 37: remove the polygons resulted starting the chamfer of the vertices.


Step 38: position the vertices using the Select plus Move/Select and Scale tool be fond of you see below.


Step 39: In Edge selection mode create 4 new-fangled Cuts.


Step 40: at this time insert Shell modifier for the Modifier List, modify the Inner quantity to 0.05cm plus the number of Segments to 2.


Step 41: change the object to Editable Poly once again to collapse the modifier, in Edge selection mode create a Ring selection of the next edges and click attach.


Step 42: Select these 4 polygons and extrude them with an quantity of 1cm.


Step 43: create a Ring selection for the edges resulted starting the extrusion of the polygons complete in previous step. Connect the with 1 segments and a Slide of 50.


Step 44: Add a Turbo smooth modifier from the Modifier directory and modify the Iterations to 2. Check the box for Isoclines Display.


Step 45: For the last set of this 3ds modeling text image tutorial make another cylinder and using the Select and Move tool location it like you see less than. modify the Radius to 0.2cm, the Height to 0.05cm and the Sides to 48.


spare 3ds Modeling Step (house work 🙂 ): If you wanna model the inside cap now select the can, go in Border selection form, click on Cap, isolate the latest created polygon inset it to add a few geometry, connect the edges and extrude them to create the Bump.


You know the drill, remark if you get fixed anywhere the length of this 3ds modeling text image tutorial.