Layer Manager in 3ds Max

This tutorial is about the arrangement of the object in modeling.

We can move the object with respect to other. Select the 1st object then other rename them and click on assign with selected object.  This will move the object together.

In this way we can arrange them properly. The layer arrangement is also very important for any kind of modeling. The 3d max has layer manager just click on it and it will appear in a form of mini window dialogue. We can either bring the layer manager below in the “Tool “tab. This layer manager is used for group selection of the object. This layer manager will already containing the object that we have in our project. Here is another option that manages to hide and unhide the selected object. We can also freeze the object. Freeze means as in deselect and rough mode.

Layer manager also deal with changing color and radius. To hide the object is very nice option in 3d animation and complex geometry as well.  It is very intresting to use that layer arrangement manager. So rendering and to hide option are very nice option to take full control over our project in 3d modeling.