3Ds Max Edit the Vertices

Learn how to edit the vertices of object

In this video tutorial we will learn how to edit the vertices of object in 3D studio MAX. We can edit the vertices by either extruding or modify its dimensional. Just right click on the object and it will appear in mini box on the right hand side of the object. To delete the vertices, first select the vertices and press delete button.

To remove the vertices just select the vertices and hit Remove option. You can either break the vertices. In this condition we break the vertices and join the other with selected vertices. Using move tool you can break the vertices and it will divide in 4 parts. Vertices can be extruding also. Just chose the vertices and then extrude it from side panel. The vertices can also be chamfered. For this purpose select the vertices. Mini box will be appearing on the screen. Write the value to extruding. So these are the ways and technique using in editing vertices.