Creating Underwater Scene Part 2


This month we’ll move on another side of CG of learning, and we’ll try to find a very quick way to make a good underwater scene in 3Ds max. So, let’s start with the 3d studio max unit setup, we’ll use a few physically correct features of mental-ray, so we need it. Set the scale at centimeters and the assign renderer to Mental-Ray.
Make a Plane primitive just about with Length = 4000cm and Width = 5300cm, set the Length Segs = 50 and the Width Segs = 50,

Now put a Camera in a position alike to the figure, set Lens =43.5mm,

Insert a Bend modifier to plane just make, we’ll use it to avoid seeing the last part of the mesh, making something like an under-water canyon, set Angle = 101.5, Bend Axis = X and move the center of the gizmo trying to obtain something like to my scene

Now insert to the plane a Noise modifier and set Scale = 500, Fractal = on, Z Strength = 147cm,

Insert another Noise modifier and set Scale = 67.75, Fractal = on and Z Strength = 16.4, so we have the procedural ground terrain prepared,

Go in the Material-Editor, create a Standard material, and set the Diffuse color = 173, 164, 151. Ensure that Mental-ray as default rendering engine, to proceed to the after that step.

Put a Ambient/Reflective Occlusion map in the disperse channel and set the Bright colour like the Diffuse colour, set the Max distance = 50cm,


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