Create A Material For Mountain in 3ds Max

In this video tutorial we are going to create a material for mountain.

Our model is with the snow as base. We shall utilize diffuse map as default color and composite bar. We shall much need of material editor in this modeling for the material purpose so select the mountain and bring material editor by pressing “M” from keyboard.

Here we have a lot of empty slots, choose any one to create the material. First of all select the mountain and click on assign material to selection. It will become as default look. Now we shall adjust it default setting. Click on diffusion button and map browser will open. Click on Gradient Ramp in map browser. Here we shall adjust the Gradient Ramp parameter. After completing this modification, press parent button to go back on material editor window.As we scroll down the material editor, we find Map button and it will open as map browser. Scroll down the browser and we have three layers adjust them one by one as we need.

Next we adjust the size of speckle parameter. Make sure that its color combination is correct otherwise make order as clicking on swap. Render the view port and see the result, it is very rough at that time because Gradient Ramp and map are not at specific place. So we take help from Camera. We can use camera manipulation in any view. Mostly the top view is suggested.

We can see camera view by using “C” from keyboard. We can drop light on the object, so go to create panel choose standard setting and then click on light. Use top view to drop the light and also set the angle of light. To make the background as black, apply Omni light and also set parameter setting from modifier panel. Decrease the intensity of color in multiplier option and fix it where it matched with the rendering model. Now render again and see the output of mountain modeling.