Chrome Material in 3d Max

This tutorial refers to the modeling of chrome in 3d max.

Chrome Material – We can create any material in 3ds max with material editor. For this purpose, we take a material editor from the tool bar or get it by hitting “M” using key board.

The material editor has punch of option to customize the material as we need. We select on empty slot from there and give them the name as chrome. Next we adjust the diffuse color. Give the shader parameter as metal. Specular height and glossiness are also required some changing. So change their value according to the required object. This is called primary modification. Scroll the material editor bar down and we find a map slot there.

Just click on it and then its none slot. Select Rey trace for this empty slot and our setting is completed. Although we have no object on the screen, so go to creating panel and select any object. For instance, pick up a sphere in the top view port. Drag the sphere above the grid line. Here we need again material editor, so press “M” from keyboard. It will appear now first select the object then go to material editor and click on Assign material to selection.

This will assign the material according to our previous setting. We can find better result by rendering it. This following video will guide you further more.