Modern Chair Modeling in 3ds Max

In this part of learning tutorial, we shall teach you how to model the modern chair modeling in 3ds max. Every model requires some reference image of that particular object. You can also download the model from website. The learning data is available for modeling tutorials for the ease of learner.

Although we have already image of chair, so take a detail review of that image that help you to find out how to create chair modeling. Go to create panel and than standard primitive to choose circle for the seat of the chair modeling. Click on modifier and from drop down list select bevel to give the seat bevel shape. Remember to place the values for bevel parameter. Again apply the other modifier to make it smooth by choosing Turbo smooth. The chair seat is ready now its stands are left to model.

Chair Legs

Go to standard primitive and choose cylinder for chair legs. Do this act in the top view port because the top view port provides you accuracy in your scene. Take a test render at this stage to view the affect that you have applied in your scene. Using select and rotate tool, rotate it outward position. Using clone option, make duplicate copy of this leg as four under the seat. Select two lower legs and mirror them to make a back seat for chair.

Draw a line for back seat support and also apply clone option to make a copy of it. Take a final render and you see your modeling result similar to the reference image. You can do further changing for the best of your satisfaction. You can also take help from the video.