Brief Introduction To Polygons in 3ds Max

This video tutorial is about brief description of polygon using in 3D Studio MAX.

The polygons is laying on right side of the view port. Select the polygons from primitive menu. Now adjust parameter of the box from modifier option. Put as value that makes the box like a cubic shape. Now just right click on the object and chose editable poly option. Now go to top view port and select middle cube.

Here we need an extrusion button to extrude that selected cube toward Y-axis. Now select the bilk button and extrude it inward. After this, extrude the side two square of the box inward. Now select the front three boxes and chose the option hing polygons. This will make the first three cubes as for shade. Now extrude the shade using value in negative. Also extrude it toward the center. This was brief description of Polygon. For further detail watch the video.