Basic Animation in 3ds Max Part 2

You are learning the basic animation here with continuous tutorials with detailed video. In previous lesson you had learnt the first step toward animation using key frames. Now again repeating same process, we rehearsal our lesson. In this tutorial you will learnt about next step of animation and rendering process and finally import it in to any media file. Increase the range of key frame to cross the hurdle.

As you know we had taken a scene in our previous lesson, assign key frame to cross the hurdle. Select the cannon and with auto key apply key frame. Take a test review and play the animation you will see that the animation is playing continuously. But there is one problem in animated model that is the bevel face is still at down position at last frame.

Play Animation

It should be toward up side position. With select and rotate tool, you can move it up position. Play the animation and it will be with fine result then before. Now it is stage to import the file in any format, so first we adjust its setting in render set up.

Here you are offering to do the project parameter and save the location where you want to save it. Choose the format as AVI because it is the best for beginner. It will take much time to render and after importing, compare it with render look.

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