How to Insert Columns in Word

What is column? Write the procedure to insert columns in word.

Columns are very effective format for certain types of documents. Presenting text in columns is a powerful feature of MS word. It is every easy to make column of the text. MS Word can arrange text n two or more columns like a newspaper or magazine. The text from the bottom of one column automatically moves to the top of the next column.

The procedure for inserting columns word is as follows:

  1. Click the columns button on the standard toolbar.
  2. Select the number of columns by dragging the mouse over the diagram.

The following procedure is used to choose more column options:

  1. Select format > columns from the menu bar. The columns dialog box is used to choose the properties of the columns.
  2. Select the number and width of the columns from the dialog box.

What is table? How a table is created in MS word?

A table is a method for presenting information in rows and columns. In a table the intersection of a row and a column is called a cell. The user can insert text or numbers in a table and sort them. Some calculations can also be performed on tables. Tables can be used to arrange text and graphics.

Creating table using menu

  1. Open a new document.
  2. Click table > insert table. A dialog box will appear.
  3. Set number of columns to 3, number of rows to 4, and column width to auto.
  4. Click ok to close the insert table dialog box.

Write the procedure to insert rows and columns in a table.

The rows and tables can be inserted in a table by using insert submenu of table menu.

Inserting Rows

The following procedure is used to insert rows and columns in a table:

  1. Place the cursor in the column after or before which a column is to be inserted.
  2. Select Table > Insert > Column to the left or column to the Right.

A new column will be added in the table according to the selected option.

Write the procedure to move and resize a table.

  1. Place the cursor over the table. A table resize handle ⬚ will appear on the right bottom corner of the table.


  1. Place the cursor over the table resize handle. The cursor will change to shape.
  2. Drag table resize handle to change table size.

The following procedure is used to move a table:

  1. Place the cursor over the table move handle move_handle will appear on the top left corner of the table.


       2.  Place the cursor over the table move handle. The cursor will change toarow_shape shape .

3.  Click and drag the table to change its location.