Revolution Slider Responsive in Mobile view

Revolution slider is a great plugin for making beautiful slide in WordPress. It has some pretty styles and effects. It also comes with great options to design the slide for different screen sizes. you can do different font size, position of the elements and much more with these responsive options. Unfortunately, some of us don’t know where those option are located or how to work with them.

Here we are going to look how you can make your resolution slider responsive.

Making Slider Responsive

If you are on slide editor look for the icon desktop, tablet and mobile as you can see in the screenshot below. You can select either one of the view and do your settings for that view. if you don’t have responsive options on your slide, it means you need to turn on custom grid size.

Revolution Slider Responsive in Mobile view

As in the second screenshot you can see the mobile view is selected.  So preview window changes a bit. You cannot add element or remove in specifically for a view, because then it will be added or removed from other view too. You can just set element sizes, position, font sizes and colors etc for the slide.

Making Revolution Slider Responsive

So this is how you can responsive your slider and make its style change for mobile. It is great option now that you can have a beautiful looking slider for mobile view too. There is a different screen sizes. So you can do settings for all of them if you want to.

Revolution Slider Custom Grid Sizes

I would like to talk about how the grid system works in revolution slider. How you can set custom grid sizes. If you go to slider settings page on that page go to slide layout you will see the screen sizes, they can be selected auto or you can select custom grid size. Click on Custom grid size “on” and “off” and you will be able to give custom sizes. Once the custom grid is selected the responsive view will be active for that screen size and you will have an icon for that screen in your slide editor.


I hope it would have given you an idea how you can customize style of your slider in different screen sizes and make you website look professional. If you wanting to read more about revolution slider, please check out the detailed documents here, also if you ever struggle with using custom fonts in revolution slider please read this article here.