Video-How to Creat Silkscreen Designs on Polymer Clay?

This free video tutorial is about how to make the most beautiful custom pendants designs by silkscreen designing method. In this free tutorial video small application of screen printing for creating the most beautiful design on pendants of your own choice has been taught.
For this purpose you need a silk-screened design you can buy it buy it from the market or you can create your own by stenciling screen for this purpose our free tutorial about the preparation of the screen. Now you need color paint which may be acrylic paint, a hard paint brush or an expired credit card for spreading the paint evenly and most importantly polymer clay in color which you like.
Just put the silk screened design on the polymer clay and spread acrylic paint color on the silk screen with the paint brush or the credit card. And that is it you can create extra ordinary silk screened design on the polymer clay with this method. After that let paint dry and then you can make excellent jewelry and accessories with the polymer clay. Watch this video.