Screen Printing Workshop

Screen Printing Workshop:  This is very interesting screen printing video tutorial about silk screen printing for fun and art. He Silk-screen plant from Alex Toys makes Here on this website of silk screen printing you will learn how to screen print on every level of screen printing.

We teach you all about screen printing technique in comprehensive way than ever you can learn how to silk screen print tee-shirts, how to screen print card, how to screen print badges, how to screen print fabric of other types and how to screen print wood and plastic article, screen printing of logos, screen printing of posters and all sorts of screen printing is here on this website and you can learn it here for free. Well silk screen printing video tutorial is for those screen printers who learn screen printing for fun and art.

There is a screen printing kit frame for our little screen printers you can buy it from market or shopping mall.

What you get in screen printing factory kit:

A frame
Meshes of different holes sizes
Screen printing ink
Screen printing squeegee
Screen print design negatives

How to screen print with this Screen Printing Factory Kit:

    1. Fix the mesh in the frame smoothly and tightly.
    2. Place the screen printing design negative on front side of the screen.
    3. Now invert the screen and then pour ink on the corner point and then using squeegee coat it uniformly.
    4. That’s it remove the frame and let the screen print dry.
    5. Now you can also place your own design by cutting some paper in certain design pattern and then placing the screen printing frame over it and then printing with squeegee using ink.

Watch this video of the screen printing now.