How To Wash Silk Screen Printing Stencil

Wash Silk Screen Printing Stencil: This tutorial will help you in learning how to wash out the ink or emulsion from screen. This is necessary for obtaining the required printed result on screen and also enables the screen for re-use. Proper washing of screen helps you in finding the print on screen. When you want to get print through screen printing process then you are required to place the stencil on screen and fit it with magic tape. The emulsion or ink is the source that enables you printing for better result. The emulsion is applied with the help of scoop coater.

A thick coat of emulsion is the best for applying emulsion; apply it in such a way from top to bottom. When its surface is going to hard or thick, then keep for exposing. The screen exposing can be done by natural sunshine or heater, whereas in screen printing workshop in advanced countries, there are screen exposing machine. This machine exposes the screen itself with respect to time setting. These machines have timer to set the time for exposing.

After this wash out the screen with water pipe or water spray, you can use whatever you available at that time but try to wash the screen with water pressure because the pressure will clear the screen completely. One thing that we forget to mention here is always expose the screen with in time because the short exposing or over exposing may damage the screen and printing result.

Here we are giving you some tips about screen printing stencils

The screen with Emulsion
Water Sprayer
Emulsion Remover

Procedure: _

    1. Take any card board piece and remove all the emulsion from screen
    2. Keep the screen under the water tape and make it wet. Apply emulsion remover spray to remove the emulsion completely from the screen.
    3. When the emulsion spray is applied it needs water spray to wash the screen and enable it to show the result.
    4. Dry the screen with fabric or foam piece

For more detail, watch the video and learn how to clear the screen from emulsion visually.