How to connect an Android device in Android Studio?

We all have android devices with us now a day. We all play games and have bunch of different apps on it. So this android studio is official integrated development environment. Android studio is environment to build app for android operating system. Google has an app store that is called google play store.

In this tutorial we are talking about basic stage. I am assuming that you have already installed android studio. And you are ready to follow this tutorial. if you haven’t installed android and setup, you can download it here and follow the documentation.

Now with the original question how to connect physical device in android studio. Have your devices connected with your computer with USB. Hit run button for top menu and a screen will popup like this.

How to connect an Android device to Android Studio


As you can see it says “connected devices none”. Means it needs some settings. First choose MTP or PTP from the options when you connected USB. See the screenshot below, select either MTP or PTP.


Here are steps to follow for becoming a developer and allowing your device as debugging.

  1. Go to phone settings
  2. Open “About phone” window
  3. Hit “build number” 7 time
How to connect an Android device to Android Studio


Wow! you have become a developer. Under System window now you should have developer option in your settings.


Open developer options and allow USB debugging. You might see all other option to play with as well on this window. Select what best for you. After selecting USB debugging you should have your device listed in android studio.


You are all set, your physical device will show in the software and now you can test your android app on your android device. If you like to Download android studio and read documentation  for app developer.