Graphic Elephants Screen Printing Special Effects 01

Lon Winters as of Graphic Elephants talks about screen printing plus creativity. This is one part of the mini-seminar series put on at Ryonet Headquarters in July

Welcome to the first part of our individual web series by Graphic Elephants on screen printing special effects.

For out more information on Graphic Elephants Screen Printing Trainingon their website.
Aside as of being published in leading trade journals, members of our staff speak at seminars, trade shows and conferences around the world on a wide variety of topics including shop set-up, separations and special effects.

We are specialists in pictorial and original art reproduction (on light and dark garments), particular effects, and quick turnarounds. We work with leading manufacturers as Alpha & Beta test sites to develop new techniques and processes. Shop set up and hands on training are our specialty. We train and consult worldwide with manufacturer’s vendors, specifies and decorators.