Photoshop Digital Painting from a 3D Starting Point (Workshop)

 Photoshop Digital Painting From A 3D Starting Point

This online work-shop will run over a period of 4 weeks and incorporate over seven and a half hours of video footage, illustrating the development behind producing a primary 3D concept in Sketch-Up through to a finished digital painting in Photoshop.

Two videos will be accessible every week throughout the 4 week period and covers the process from begin to finish.

 This work-shop is aimed at beginners through to intermediate users plus will educate you how to use Google Sketch-Up in conjunction with digital painting, showing how a 3D scene can precisely establish a composition and help visualize an plan before beginning the painting itself.

Google Sketch-Up is an invaluable resource for 2D artists, offering intuitive modeling tools set within a coherent interface. It is a perfect starting package for those wishing to incorporate 3D into their artistic observe and is usually used by concept artists world-wide as an effective way of setting up perspective, as well as allowing the freedom to experiment with the view-point compared to sketching with a brush.

 3d_product-workshopIt is important to note that although Sketch-Up is the instance package being used, the principles described are regularly applicable within any 3D context and as such are sympathetic to other software.

 However for the purposes of this work-shop we shall be using Sketch-Up as it is freely accessible and has a more easy to get to toolset for those not familiar with 3D environments. Although simpler than other packages, the tools on offer are more than adequate when making a 3D concept with respect to digital painting.

 The first three videos dedicate themselves to Google Sketch-Up and aim to introduce students to the interface and various toolsets before moving on to building the preliminary scene. From here we will follow the process used to construct the scene components and save out various facades in readiness for the painting process in Photoshop.

 The subsequent five movies will focus on the numerous painting stages, from blocking in through to addition details and textural realism by way of photographic elements.

 Workshop details

Software: Photoshop & Google Sketchup

Level: Beginner – Intermediate

Tutor: Richard Tilbury

Price and Availability: 24 places at £159.99 (Approx $250)

Start Date: Monday September 3rd 2012

Duration: 4 weeks

Student Requirements

Candidates: Each student should have a working knowledge of Photoshop and preferably own a graphics tablet.

Please Note: Although Sketch-Up is the example package being used, the principles described are equally applicable within any 3D context and as such are sympathetic to other software.

Further instructions will be emailed over once workshop has been purchased.

More Information: Click Here