Max 2012 – Enhanced UVW Unwrapping

Enhanced UVW Unwrapping  – Make the UVW map in short period of time with real look. Using existing tools and techniques you can create the texture easily. When you are going to create any model, first you create the basic geometry for that model and then it is required to assign material for texturing and mapping. If you want to create textures for the model, select the object and bring it into editable poly.

Now go to modifier panel and choose modifier that is most appropriate for your model. It contains almost all types of modifier for texturing and it is up to you to choose the relevant texture map for model.

3ds max uvw unwrapping

When you select the modifier it is with default setting and it needs to manage and reset its default setting. Change the parameter of the modifier and then open material editor and assign this material to the selection. Here it needs some extra setting for obtaining quality and standard model. Once you have created it, then it needs render to view the applied effect in the scene.

UVW Mapping

Try to render the image in I-ray renderer because it shows you the perfect image of your scene with more accuracy.UVW mapping shows the 3d dimension of the object whereas UV deals with 2d objects. In the following video tutorial you can see the UVW mapping procedure is being used in complex scene with ease and comprehensively. Watch the video to learn it completely.