Bathroom Interior Design Using 3ds Max Part 30

Learn here about 3d modeling and interior designing of bathroom.

  1. Go to basic primitive and choose box to cover the wall.
  2. Use select and move tool to fix the material to the wall.
  3. Press “M” from key board for bringing material editor.
  4. It will help you to apply material for your model.
  5. There are many empty slots for the selected object and diffuse option helps you to get a map for the material related to object structure.
  6. After selection of material, choose different color scheme for the material. Select the boundary of wall and select the faces and chamfer it.
  7. Select the frame of the door and also apply chamfer command. Next we want to create towel modeling with useful commands of Maya 2010.
  8. Create basic drawing and then choose modifier for towel. You can decrease or increase the density of that modifier for the best of your object model.

Interior Design – We had started this bathroom interior designing tutorial from the basic level and now we are going to final stage gradually. We have provided you useful information for bathroom modeling in every tutorial. As you know that every modeling is created due to some specific design, therefore we are also using reference image for our model. We shall render our scene at final stage to compare it with actual image. So stay here and search next part for more learning.

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