Video – Shelf Menu in Maya

This 3d modeling and 3d animation class lesson is about the introduction of the Shelf tab bar in 3d modeling and animation software Autodesk Maya. Maya tools and commands are unique in way that every menu set has menus which further have menus sets in them. First term is menus of 3d modeling and animation software Autodesk Maya, then are the menus sets, main menus, status line and shelf tab, channel box, attribute editor etc. and these tools and menu have further sets of tools and commands. But all arrangement of these set and subsets of tools and commands are very easy to learn and understand with in a day.

Shelf tab:

In this 3d modeling and animation software basics lesson you will learn what is Shelf tab and what types of tools and commands it have in it. Shelf tab is located as third row set of tools and commands in 3d modeling and animation software application Maya window at the top. First row in Maya at the top most is main menus, then under main menus is row of the status line tools and commands and under status line is the shelf tabs’ row.
Each shelf tab have relative tools and commands, starting from polygon, e.g. if you click on the polygon shelf tab then all the commonly used relative tools and commands of the polygon i.e. polygon primitives, cube, cylinder, sphere etc. and polygon 3d modeling tools and commands, extrude tool etc. will open up and you can use these tool and option with just one left mouse button click.
Similarly for animation shelf tab are the tools and commands which are commonly used in making 3d animation in 3d modeling and animation software Autodesk Maya. Now for making an object to move on certain path you need attach to motion path tool of the 3d animation which is present in second number in the animation shelf tab menus. You just create a simple sphere and then create curve or line from create menu; select the object and then the curve as path and click on the Attach to motion path tool in the shelf tab.
Play animation to see the result. Why this is being told you is that Shelf tab makes the use of tools and commands in 3d modeling and animation software easier and fast as well. You also add your own tools and commands shelf tab in Custom shelf tab.
For more details watch this video tutorial now.