Video-Modeling Strawberry in Maya

Welcome to the free tutorial video of 3d modeling class about the 3d modeling of a strawberry. You will learn how this organic model is prepared in 3d modeling and animation software Maya. Maya is computer graphic software application for 3d modeling, 3d animation and rendering; it is one of the most famous Software applications for the computer graphics and on this website there is complete series of free tutorial videos of 3d modeling course and 3d animation course covering all the aspects and use of all the tools and commands in Maya. Here we shall start organic 3d modeling and you will learn how to model a strawberry in computer graphics of Maya.


  1. In the modeling menu set create a polygon sphere and using scale tool change the size of the sphere as you want your strawberry be like.
  2. Then hit to five to enter into shaded mode.
  3. Then double click on the move tool and a new box will open go to Soft Selection tool and mark it.
  4. Modeling Strawberry  in Maya
  5. Right click on the object and select the vertex and then using the move tool you can move the vertex organically in any shape you want them to be this is the time when you have to give the strawberry a basic shape. For more detail and tip watch this video.
  6. Close the soft selection and then right click on the object and choose the faces, then select all the faces and go to edit mesh and click on ‘Poke face’.
  7. Just leaving the diagonal lines you delete all the rectangular edges, Right click on object and choose edge. Select the straight edges and delete them so that you have diamond like pattern on the model.
  8. Right click again and select the faces, you go to edit mesh and then in the edit mesh unmark the ‘keep faces together’ using extrude tool extrude the face out and then again click on extrude or press ‘Y’ from keyboard to use the extrude tool for another extrusion. Each time you select extrude the faces the second time extrusion will be separate from the first one. This is very important part of 3d modeling lesson watch video.
  9. Then for modeling the petiole of the strawberry, press ‘crtl + H’ or in the view click on hide the selection after selecting the strawberry shape. Then go create and in polygon primitives click on cylinder, then in the channel box ‘ctrl + A’ change it height, width and depth, subdivision axis etc. as recommended in this video or values of your own choice.
  10. Using extrude tool, move tool, rotate and scale tool you can model petiole. For details watch this free tutorial video.