Video-Modeling Nut Bolt with Polygons 2

This free tutorial video is second part of 3 d modeling for architectural engineering design 3d modeling in computer graphics 3d modeling and animation software Maya. This video is very interesting and informative 3d modeling lesson be an expert 3d modeler and Maya animator. In this part of 3d modeling class video you will learn more techniques of 3 d modeling in Maya.
This video is about bolt 3d modeling in Maya and now we shall create hole in the Bolt and further necessary modeling will be done to make our 3d polygon a complete 3d bolt model. In the last part we made basic shape of the bolt model and created another polygon cylinder. Now we shall move on to internal shape of the modeling that mean surface modeling was taught in the last 3d modeling lesson and now you will learn how to create the more details of the bolt model in Maya.


  1. Go to the top view hit the space bar choose view ports and then select the top view port, for more details regarding view port watch free tutorial video on this topic.
  2. Modeling-Nut-Bolt-with-Polygons
  3. In the top view, click on scale tool in your left hand side on the screen, then scale it down to diameter equal to what you want you bolt diameter be. Then in the channel box add the same division axis value that is ‘18’ and come back to perspective view.
  4. Select the nut and then shift select the inner cylinder, then you go ‘edit mesh’ choose ‘Boolean’ click on difference.
  5. Select ‘paint brush tool’ located third from the top to bottom tool menu in the left on the Maya screen. Right click choose faces and then select the inner faces to create threads of the bolt. Go to edit mesh then click on ‘extract’ tool.
  6. Then go deselect every thing and then bolt except the paint brush selected faces, then press ‘ctrl + H’ to hide this area, you will have a thin cylinder and then go to ‘create’ menu in the ‘polygons’ click on ‘helix’, enter it suitable value according to thin cylinder.
  7. In the top view adjust the helix such that the thin cylinder is in-between the outer and inner boundary of Helix, then select the outer faces of the helix manually and hit delete key. Again in the top view adjust the helix perfectly on the inner wall of the thin cylinder. Then select the vertex of the end of the helix by right clicking and choosing vertex of the end of the Helix and then in the edit mesh click on ‘merge to center’. Then right click and select all.
  8. Go to the display menu and choose show and click all. Select all the parts and go to mesh and then click on combine. Delete the history in edit menu.
  9. For more details watch this free tutorial video and many others on the architectural engineering designing on computer graphics 3d modeling and animation software Maya.