Maya 2011 Architectural Modeling Part 10

This free tutorial video lesson is about how to texture the wall in 3d modeling and 3d animation program Maya 2011 in Urdu/Hindi language. There are three basic ways of texturing; texturing of reflecting surfaces (Blinn), texturing for non-reflective surfaces (Lambert) and glassy surface (Phong) texture. Here two types of texturing being discussed in this lesson in Maya 2011; one is Blinn and other is Lambert texturing. You will learn how to texture the pillars and walls of the 3d house model with Blinn and Lambert texture respectively.
Separate the pillar’s part from the edit mesh.
Select the base of one pillar; right click from your mouse go to ‘Assign favorite material’ and select the Blinn, rename your file in the Blinn attributes
Go color checker box and click on file open the file you saved for marble surface in last part which is “3D Texturing: How to Create Marble Floor for 3D House Model in Maya 2011!”
Go to create UV mapping and click on the Automatic mapping.
In the attribute editor open scroll to left and click on the file you just renamed,
Then insert values in ‘Repeat UV’ for division of the marble plates on the base of pillar.
Then select the upper end of the pillar and right click with your mouse choose assign existing material and choose the pillar’s file renamed last.
maya-2011-architectural-modeling-10Then come to Photoshop again create color texture for the middle body of the pillar save as jpeg format in Photoshop and switch to Maya 2011.
Select the faces from all sides of the pillar. Go to the Lambert; click on color and select the file saved last time in Photoshop.
Combine this pillar’s part again from the edit mesh and then duplicate it for the other similar pillar by pressing ‘ctrl + D’. That is it you job for pillars is done.
Now create the texture with same method but Lambert (not Blinn) color texture for the Wall of the room 3d Model.
Go to video for more details.

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