Video-Modeling a Poly Puppy in Maya 2

This free tutorial is about the modeling of a puppy in 3d modeling and animation software Maya. This 3d modeling lesson is about how to model an organic character in computer graphic program Maya. The lesson is very informative and taught in a very best way so that you can understand each step of 3d modeling in the best way.
In the last step of this 3d organic modeling you learn that how to extrude the faces of the polygon cube. Now we have basic body of the model and it is ready for details. In this step you will learn how to model the body of the puppy round so that model becomes more realistic. Moreover in this video tutorial you will learn how to model the legs and tail of the puppy.


  1. Select the central edge loops and then using move tool move them outward a little bit so that a round body becomes round. But remember that when you select the edge loops then deselect the mouth and tail area of the edge loops.
  2. Poly-Puppy
  3. Go to top view and align all the vertices to the grid line for this purpose right click select the vertex option then select each vertex and press ‘W’ from keyboard for move tool and move each vertex of the half body’s boundary to grid line.
  4. Select each moved vertex and then click on the snap to grid tool which is demonstrated by an icon of magnet on grid on the shelf tab.
  5. Then create another polygon cube from the ‘polygon primitives’ in the ‘Create’ menu.
  6. Using move tool move it to the initial point of the front leg, using scale tool re-size it the suitable size so that it adjust perfect on the foot area of the puppy.
  7. Then right click select edge click on extrude tool in the edit mesh and then extrude the edge upward up to a small face according to the reference image. Then right click and select the vertex and select one vertex and using move, move it to the end of legs according to the reference image. In this way carry on extruding small faces and then adjusting vertices according to reference image with move tool.
  8. For more details watch this free tutorial video.