3d Rocket Animation

The following tutorial is guiding you about unique Maya modeling tutorials of 3D rocket animation. There are proper series of this project tutorial and it is very first of all. The next tutorial also describes about different function of projects from initial stage to final stage. You can say that by following the direction from this tutorial you can learn Maya modeling techniques very easily at one stage. Because of lengthy concept, the project is being divided into parts and each part contains very informative points about Maya modeling and animation. This project has been prepared for you as a go through the course of great 3d software Maya. If you follow the lessons in this project you will definitely be able to do a lot within Maya, because through this project you will learn creating a project, modeling objects such as a rocket or ship, creating its trail with dynamic particle flow, making animation on squashing objects, assigning materials to the objects, assigning texture, making your own texture in Maya hyper shade, painting 3d object directly in 3d workspace, creating dynamic rigid active and passive bodies, blocking keys, creating lights for the scene, aiming light to the objects, creating cameras in the scene, animating cameras and making the following some moving object, rendering scenes with batch render and much more. The next parts are also attached with this link in a sequence of collective work. At the final stage when you render the scene, it shows you about final state of your scene. Thus you can save the scene any format that you need.