Keyframe and Graph Editor (2)

This video tutorial is describing another technique of animation using graph editor. You have read in previous tutorials about different types of creating animation. Graph editor is among one of them. Maya provides you such facility just for creating and enhancing the animation. Graph editor controls the animation quite different and it denotes the coordinates with three different color curves. You can animate here with the coordinate system and move the curve ahead or backward to animate your scene. In Key frame setting you just move the object and then assign the key frames but here first move the object by moving the curve a little bit forward or backward to animate your model. The key frames method just control and animate on specific mode but with graph editor you can animate the model in move, rotate and scale mode. You can also show/hide the visibility, colors and component level of the objects. Graph editor shows the curve of each attribute for animation and it doesn’t matter whether it is for translation, rotation and scaling purpose. Graph editor is an important feature of Maya animation that deals with curves for creating or breaking the animation. The video tutorial’s link is given in the end which leads you to video tutorial where you can watch the visual concept of graph editor’s function for 3D animation.