Making Female Hair in Maya

Here in this tutorial you will learn about female hair modeling. We are using Autodesk Maya for hair modeling. Maya provides you comprehensive way for your model and you can use its plug-in in many projects. We are using such technique that you will be able to create it at own after this.

The hair is also plug in Maya and it is up to you that how and where you can use it in your project. When you have assigned this plug in to your character, then render your scene.

The rendering is final step of Maya where you can examine your ability and talent. Sometimes the object takes enough time for rendering so don’t worry and be patient. The rendering result will be opened in a step.

You can use simple render process for such hair modeling but Maya also allows you to use further and advanced rendering application. These applications are I-Ray, V-Ray and Mental Ray etc. You can control rendering setting from render setup. You can make your hair application as thicken or thinner according to your scene requirement.

You can manage the hair setting by changing the head into wire frame mode because it is easy way for your modeling. For further details, watch this video tutorial.

Making Female Hair in Maya part 1