Maya Realflow filling a wine-Part1

We have now moved on to our 3d animation modeling at learner level and now we are going to learn how create animation of a liquid flowing and filling a glass. In this free tutorial video you will learn how to create a 3 model of glass with sketchup technique, how to create animation of flowing liquid from bottle to glass, moreover you will learn how to render in this 3d animation software Autodesk Maya.

    This part of free video tutorial lesson demonstrates how to create a 3d model of a glass with sketchup technique:

  1. Download the Realflow commands for Maya from the and place then in plug-in manager.
  2. Click the glass icon in the primitives above the workspace now create a sketch of one side of glass shape when you have done this click glass icon and your glass model is formed,
  3. Maya Realflow filling a wine-Part-1
  4. Export your model to the real flow from the file menu how? Watch the video for that.
  5. Now in Realflow import your image and create animation as told in this video it is very easy next.
  6. Watch this free tutorial for better comprehension of the Realflow animation and move on to next part.
