Role of Health Education

Little child, little child look at your cat
She’s playing catching, catching with a little rat
Your mommy your papa does so in a stile
Send you ever bend you ever make you like a pile
Rat’s running cat’s running both of them go far
Playing such an ugly games they put you behind bar

Praiseworthy, Mr. President and respected audience!

Dear Mr. President!

No doubt that health education is the basic and fundamental right of every child. In our society most of the children don’t get health education in schools.

I am worried about! I am very much worried about the children of my nation.

Where is the state?

Where are the activists?

Where are our so called leaders?

Where is the government?

Where is our identity?

Where is our goal?

 Dear Mr. President!

 Without health education no society can survive at all. Health education is directly connected to the health of nation. If individual of society is healthy, it means all society is healthy. Thus the role of health education is like maintaining main machinery of the society. Without health education how can one know the purity of water and air, the prevention from infected materials, the safety of his health from environment?

It’s health education who tells us about stuff. What should we eat, what should we drink?

Today, we see around us an enormous amount of dangerous viruses like HCV, HIV, HBV and HAV. There are many other viruses and bacteria that infect us. Who kill our loved ones, who is perishing our society over all.

I would like to set some verses before you on this very critical topic,

Give me my right, give me my site

I am a little innocent child of your nation

Let me do my job, let me fill my fob

I am a little innocent child of your nation

Give me charm of life, tell me form of life

I am a little innocent child of your nation

Dear Mr. President!

Please heal your nation. It’s being damaged. Please cure addicted youth who were the strength of our Pakistan. Please treat them who are selling their bloods on the gates of Gulaab devi hospital Lahore.

Yes Mr. President!

 Today our little innocent children like me are asking from their elders that is this the same society which you gave us? Is this the same environment you left for us? Is this the world you are leaving for us?

Today our children are asking us how they will save them from dangers that we are leaving to them.

Dear Mr. President!

You know that health is indeed wealth of some individual and as well as of society. Otherwise nations die due to their unawareness about health. They even don’t know the harms of simple nourishments that lie in today’s poisoned foods.

Health is wealth no doubt it is wealth

Tell those people who don’t know yet

Save your child, don’t use that’s wild

Save your nation, tell them about bet