E-mail or Electronic Mail, Process of Sending Messages

E-Mail And Its Benefits 2.2

E-mail or electronic mail, is the process of sending messages directly from one computer to another (linked through wired or wireless connections). The sender and receiver may be sitting in the same building or anywhere in the world.

It works perfectly only if the intended receiver has the e-mail facility to which the sender is connected. It reaches to may people with the same message, reduces the paper flood, and does not interrupt meetings as the ringing phone does. The e-mail servers i.e. Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail etc, and it works purely in a client-server computing environment.

Benefits: E-mail has number of advantages over other communication methods such as:

  • We of communication with anyone has nothing to do with distance or the size of can communicate quickly with any one on the internet. E-mail usually reaches its destination in a matter of minutes or seconds.
  • The cost the message it is cost-effective way to communicate with friends, colleagues, or business associates regardless of where they are physically located.
  • We can send letters, notes, files, data, or reports all using the same techniques. Once we learn how to use the e-mail program, everything is sent the same way.
  • The recipient, working on the computer, is not interrupted by the arrival of the e-mail. It is put in his mail box (no the server) and can be seen and worked upon later, using the e-mail program.
  • The user’s computers may be off when the mails arrive (all will stay in the server) and can be read anytime.
  • E-mails are not anonymous, they always carry an address of the originator. Therefore, we are always sure about where it is coming from and where it is going to.

Internet 2.3

Electronic Mail


The internet is a wonderful and amazing arena where we can find information about almost any thing of the world. On the internet, we have ocean of knowledge about the books, magazines, encyclopedia, and any other type of reference material readily available. In addition, we can have expert opinions on any topic and can communicate with world community on all ranges of subjects. Essentially, the internet has brought the world nations to the realization of a “Global Village” , in which we feel, everyone as close as our neighbor.

The internet is not a real entity or a place that has a building or a place. Instead, it is the result of a collaborative effort of people and computers throughout the world. The end result is an electronic link to the world of information and entertainment. In simple words, the internet is a network of connected computers that provide us a facility of exchange data, messages, and files with other computers that are connected to the internet.

Birth of internet 2.3.1

During late 1960s, it was designed as ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency NETwork)by the US department of Defense – DARPA, in collaboration with other universities and research organizations. In the beginning, ARPANET was used mainly for communication technology research and development, with scientists at various sites connected through a network, to share the information.

Later, throughout 1970s and 1980, all te previous networks dedicated mostly to military used. In 1989, all the previous networks, created for military use, were abandoned and replaced by national science Foundation’s NSFNET. This was the turning point, as the internet began serving the civilian community along with the military as well. Now the service was available to anybody in the community and people started patronizing and monitoring the internet. Today, even the internet has become too much commercialized; NSF is still donating a lot of fund to it.

The internet has grown rapidly since 1990. According to the internet society (the monitoring organization), the number of computer networks in the internet is more than two million and the number of computers that connect to these networks is more than hundred million. To understand how the internet works, we need to have a sufficient knowledge of “Networking” i.e. the connectivity of computers.