Reproduction Key Points (10th-Biology-Lesson-16.8)

Reproduction Key Points

  1. Reproduction is a biological process leading to the production of new individuals, of ones own kind.
  2. There are two main types of reproduction in organisms asexual and sexual.
  3. Some of the different types of asexual reproduction in organisms are binary fission, multiple fission, spore formation, budding, parthenogenesis, regeneration and vegetative propagation in plants.
  4. During sexual reproduction of flowering plant pollination plays an important role.
  5. Double fertilization in flowering plants, leads to the formation of seed and fruit.
  6. Seed contains embryo and also contains food for the development of embryo.
  7. Seeds and fruits help in dispersal of plants.
  8. There are two types of seed germination, hypogeal and epigeal – and following conditions are necessary for germination, viability of seeds, water, air and suitable temperature.
  9. In most animals sperms are produced by spermatogenesis and eggs are formed by oogenesis.
  10.  In frog fertilization is external and is in water.
  11. Cleavage is rapid cell division by which zygote changes into a sold ball of cells called morula
  12. Blastula is formed when ball of cell contains a cavity called blastocoele.
  13. Gastrula is characterized by the formation of three germinal (embryonic) layers.
  14.  Neurula is a developmental stage which has developed nervous system in the form of neural tube.
  15.  Metam0r-hosis is a process by which the larva of frog, called tadpole, changes into a frog.

Reproduction Key Points