Haemophilia and Anaemia (10th-biology-lesoon-12. 11, 12)


Haemophilia is a hereditary disease in which the patient lacks some blood clotting factors. This disease is characterized by the failure of blood to coagulate. If the persons suffering from this disease have an injury from which blood flows, the blood will not coagulate or clot or will coagulate insufficiently to stop the flow of blood.

This may result in excessive loss of blood which in some extreme cases, may prove to be fatal. In a normal human being if an injury occurs which bleed, the blood will soon coagulate and will form a clot at the point of rupture of the blood vessels blocking the blood flow.




Anaemia can be defined as the deficiency of red blood cells in the body. It normally occurs due to rapid loss of blood from the body or below normal production of red blood cells.

Symptoms of anaemia


The usual symptoms of anaemia are yellowing of palate, weakness, dizziness, appearance of dark circles around the eyes, thinning of blood, loss of appetite etc.


Cause of anaemia

Anaeamia can be caused by a number of factors. The main causes of anaemia are:

(a)    Iron is a major component of haemoglobin of red blood cells and an appropriate amount of iron should be available ofr synthesis of haemoglobin. The deficiency of iron should lead to less production of haemoglobin and consequently less production of red blood cells. As the number of red blood cells will fall down below normal level, the result would be anaemia. This is the major cause of anaemia world wide.

(b)   Nutritional deficiency: deficiency of some important nutrients like vitamin B 12 and folic acid also result in anemia.