Flowers And Trees [1932] , Ist Oscar Award Winner 3D Animation Movie

This cartoon has a cute little story, but its significance lies in the fact that it was the first cartoon produced in Technicolor. Walt had cannily entered into an exclusive contract for the use of the procedure, only the latest of a string of risky innovations he would brave.

Technicolor proved to be a sensation, and FLOWERS AND TREES pointed the way to the future. It would be three more years before Mickey Mouse took the Technicolor pitch – his films were so gainful he didn’t need to abandon black & white just yet – but finally almost all cartoons would come into view in one of a handful of challenging color processes.

flowers and trees [1932]

This movie got the very first Academy Award given for animated work and even after close to sixty nine years, it is still a wonder to observe. It quite justly won its extol at the time and is one of Disney’s high points. Everything about this is outstanding: tale, music, description, plan, layout, visuals-everything! Sometimes, this is run on the Ink and Paint Club on the Disney Channel and should be out on video.

It seems that the powers that make the decisions for The Mouse don’t see a point in releasing shorts on home video. Such a disgrace to have such amazing material out of flow. The winner, on points. Most highly suggested.

it is worth seeing- only if you are over 14. I do not advocate this cartoon for anyone under that age. It is somewhat distressing (especially for young people) and I do not think they would find it attractive anyway.

People over 14, this is an enjoyment to look at. This is on the whole a very old cartoon where there are trees and plants parting their roots (literally) and moving around, creating a plot. You will have to see at least a small clip of this cartoon to realize what I signify. The animation and music is very gorgeous, some of the storyline is very attractive as well.

flowers and trees [1932]

In essence the whole cartoon is about two trees falling in love. The girl tree resembles a 1930’s aristocratic “lady”. There is a horrifying, evil twisted tree who tries to imprison her, but the a little dopey looking tree will not let him have her…

it is the first Silly Symphony to to be completed in Technicolor, Flowers and Trees leftovers the favorite of the Silly Symphonies. It has a firm appeal that is almost tempting. Flowers and Trees is delightfully animated, with vivacious colors, and allowing for when it was made, I was most overwhelmed. The characters, although they never speak, are very enchanting, particularly the Mushrooms.

Even the evil tree remains was an attractive character in his own right. The music was fantastically romantic, and reminded me of the type of music you’ll find in a dance. It was so amiable and pleasing, it plays a noteworthy role in mitigating the irrefutable charm of this jewel. The story is very simple, and is quite impractical, but all else that is so good, more than recompense, and it is meant to be inane. The result is a beautiful and artistic short, with a 10/10. Bethany Cox.

flowers and trees [1932]

This is one of many alleged “Silly Symphonies” that Walt Disney Pictures made in the 30s and they were very, very admired.

Specified how much cartoons have distorted, this film wouldn’t play near as well today as it did then. Cartoons in the 30s tended to be rather sentimental and lacked the insane comedy and pacing of classic cartoons of the 40s and 50s. Remember that at the time this film was made, Bugs Bunny, Tom & Jerry and Tex Avery’s shenanigans were still in the prospect.

So, as audiences in later years might have been a bit put off by the manner of film that FLOWERS AND TREES stand for, in its time it was big…real big. Big as much as necessary to earn an Oscar as Best Animated Short.

The film consists of traditional style music associated scenes of anthropomorphic (people-like) trees and flowers dancing, frolic and ultimately being attacked by the dreaded fire. As I said, most of it very sentimental but I did like the sweet mushrooms.

However, the artwork is clippings for the time and it is diverting. It’s also the first three-color Technicolor short to win the Oscar, but it’s also very old fashioned and will most likely bore many viewers.